Only Music Leaves an Echo . . .

The Notes

They call me Lynnett. I have lived for 12 years. My Favorite Thing Iswad i like. What I want most is handphone, laptop, mp4. I want to be remembered by loved ones. Remember, Quote if you want. Most people reach me on Aim here, Your SN.

Music of Others

link1 | link2 | link3 |

Past Sounds

April 2008 | May 2008 | June 2008 | July 2008 | August 2008 |

Leave an Echo Tagboard code goes here

The Music

Saturday, April 26, 2008
bb....hfmd kanna sia one lorh i cannot go play with my frens in sch somemore seperate table during recess one class two table....the worst is that no PE.....Sian lorh but good thing is no prefect duty and can go to class immediately when u reach sch...i came to class second...haha...then we all play play lee come in lorh.......wish can play longer then must sing anthem in class tru pa system......pledge also lorh.........hope all this rubbish quickly end.....But i want 2 go to class in morning so fun.....

--The "Noob" at Saturday, April 26, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
yesterday go nygh take smbo...siao....there so big more got track and auditorium like cinema.....even grander.......the test was still okay...average....then somemore got food....fishbballs.....cakes...and drinks....hahaha...v.nice......then we go auditorium here talk....the ppl want us go join thier school......very tempting sia can go to other fren say she want 2 go but there no boys...hahahaha lame lor she on our way to the bus wei xuan say mrs poon take our money go take cab...haha she was with xue ning.....andrea is like so f up with wei xuan.....lorh bb gtg

--The "Noob" at Saturday, April 19, 2008

Darn it lah yesterday mr lin call my name first then my group have to go and present then shirley's thumbdrive got problem cannot open so we never do in the i do new one...but mr lin ask shirley print...watever i juz do at least better than 1ppl in my group do nothing onelorh

--The "Noob" at Saturday, April 19, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
i look at many blogskins sia but all very lame so i juz stick to my this bloack one nice one remember to keep to posted horh......Gtg Bye

--The "Noob" at Sunday, April 13, 2008

This is me....Frankenstien, drawn by Dee (something like that) at Sarah's birthday first no one want 2 draw then later everyone snatch lorh......the food sucks....they draw lame pic like flowers , one boy draw skull....not scary at all lorh...he come scare me i did not piss off i decided 2 challenge him...haha that idiot.....i dun tink i look scary enough...i doubt they are pro.....i can draw better anyway this is 4 fun....many ppl piss off including Yi Xuan...she ran all the way....hahaha......the ambience there so lame....i took this outside function frenz bd pt better we joke darn much unlike here worst in ms lee lesson lorh

--The "Noob" at Sunday, April 13, 2008

I accidentally select all hmtl then i go delete wat the hell amanda didn't come....i tok she coming then i was rushing like shit only when i reach home prepare everything then she say not coming...CB(for those who know good, those who dun do not bother to figure out)......i go guitar class today my father bring my bag down put in the car juz now he came back w/o the bag and he say he didn't brind it down.....siao bitch f lah.....Freako bitch bangalah....fu....who cares......

--The "Noob" at Sunday, April 13, 2008